community card poker artinya
- community card poker
- community: kaum; masyarakat; masyarakat umum; komuniti;
- card: daun terup; kad; kartu; card; kardus; terup;
- poker: poker; pengorek api; kait peredam; pakau
- community: kaum; masyarakat; masyarakat umum; komuniti; komunitas; umat; jemaah; kediaman; tempat tinggal; kelompok; biarawati
- card: daun terup; kad; kartu; card; kardus; terup; papan pengumuman; mengagani; menyisir; poster; pelekat; kenyataan; ejek; menyikat; pemberitahuan; kartu remi; kartu data; menu
- hook poker: kait-opak tanur
- poker chip: cip
- poker game: poker; pakau
- poker players: atlet poker
- poker-faced: bersahaja; selamba; membatu
- stiff as a poker: sangat keras
- andrew feldman (poker player): andrew feldman (pemain poker)
- boyaa poker tour: turnamen poker texas boyaa internasional
- computer poker player: pemain poker komputer
- dogs playing poker: anjing bermain poker
- Community card poker refers to any game of poker that uses community cards (also called "shared cards" or "window cards"), which are cards dealt face up in the center of the table and shared by all players.
?Community Card Poker mengacu pada setiap permainan poker yang menggunakan kartu community card (juga disebut "kartu bersama" atau "kartu meja"), dimana kartu ini dibagikan menghadap ke atas (terbuka) di tengah meja dan kartu ini dapat digunakan oleh semua pemain.
Kata lain
- "community (tv series)" terjemahan Indonesia
- "community activities restrictions enforcement" terjemahan Indonesia
- "community and social services occupations" terjemahan Indonesia